Betser Casino
If you have not heard of Betser yet, then it's a flickering new casino and sportsbook that gives you every opportunity to play what you want. It is a website that will appeal to those who are happy in gaming and those who are happy in data and video games because the big secret to Betser is that they try to make some kind of combination of these two game modes for today's play And adventurous people of all ages.
Betser offers a host of different game types, from poker, video poker and live casino to all kinds of digital slots and a good and varied offer of sports betting. In addition, the great commitment to integrating the gaming experience with so-called gaming authentication includes fantasy or role-playing elements, to enable the player's adventurous and competitive instinct.
To understand a little more about how this works, it may be ok to keep in mind the two predecessors to Betser, namely Casino Saga and Casino Heroes , both owned by the same company that stands behind Betser, namely Hero Gaming. The Scandinavian innovators behind these casinos are looking forward to fun and unique stories to hijack customers in a moped market, and so far they have done very well. Casino Saga has become a mega success in Japan.
Hero Gaming aims to change the gaming experience of those who play at casino and at odds and believe that it will be a crucial element in future competition. Therefore, from their first attempt at Casino Saga, they have invented elements of fantasy and role-playing (RPG) that today's young people know from literature, movies, computer games, and video games on the various consoles like Playstation and XBox. With this it is clear that they seek to appeal to a new generation of players who hopefully get on the threshold to be as rich as their parents one day.
At Betser, as in the other casinos the company has its foundation, it is not just about ordinary gains from football tipping or slot machines, but also about an ongoing knocking with other players to hijack the most possible bonus points of two different types, called Balls and Brains. Brains are the kind of points you get when you are a little snuffy and bet on a sure winner or big favorite. If, on the other hand, you are of the kind willing to make a bigger sum that Leicester will climb to the top of the Premier League again or, for example, this will be the season when West Ham gets into the top four and Joining the champions league, then you have the character that lies between boldness and madness that will give you a lot of points of the kind balls.
When you cash in such points, you will find that you can use them very much. You only visit the "closet", the so-called Locker Room, where you can choose from a multitude of ways to spend your points. They can be converted into clean cash bonuses, they can be used for free bets or spin, they can be redeemed in some kind of coupon, or you can use them to buy different effects or participate in various promotions.
In addition to all this, it is also a strong competitive element in the score ranking. You join a separate league where the season lasts two weeks and when done, you can move up or down depending on how you've done it. The big dream is of course climbing to the top and becoming a champion.Betser has the same owners as Casino Heroes, so it's a dedicated group of agents ready to help you if you need some guidance. Betser differs slightly from its competitors, so it is possible that there are some who have questions in connection with the process and the use of the website. Then you can easily contact customer service on chat by clicking on the chat in the bottom right corner of the website.
Betser gives players a new way to play. The casino games are quite similar to other online casinos, but the tipple gives a slightly different dimension to sports betting. Playing in leagues also gives an additional element of competition while looking for matches. Betser is a slightly different way to play. After Casino Heroes, the road continues towards new innovative solutions for players. We recommend all players to read through the terms and conditions that apply to games at Betser. We have only mentioned in broad terms some of the terms associated with games.